#1 - Alexander Puzzle

Alexander is stranded on an island covered in forest.

One day, when the wind is blowing from the west, lightning strikes the west end of the island and sets fire to the forest. The fire is very violent, burning everything in its path, and without intervention the fire will burn the whole island, killing the man in the process.

There are cliffs around the island, so he cannot jump off.

How can the Alexander survive the fire? (There are no buckets or any other means to put out the fire)

Alexander Puzzle

Alexander picks up a piece of wood and lights it from the fire on the west end of the island.

He then quickly carries it near the east end of he island and starts a new fire. The wind will cause that fire to burn out the eastern end and he can then shelter in the burnt area.

Alexander survives the fire, but dies of starvation, with all the food in the forest burnt....lolzzz

#2 - Pyramid Number Puzzle

The below is a number puzzle. It should be read left to right, top to bottom.
1 1
2 1
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 2 1
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Question 1: What is the next two rows of numbers?
Question 2: How was this reached?

Popular Number Sequence Puzzle
3 1 2 2 1 1
1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1

Line 1 is 'Two ones' (2 1)
Line 2 then becomes 'One two, and one one' (1 2 1 1)
Line 3 therefore is 'One one, one two and two ones' (1 1 1 2 2 1)
Line 4 is 'Three ones, two twos and one one' (3 1 2 2 1 1)
Line 5 is 'One three, one one, two twos and two ones' (1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1)

#3 - Challenging Puzzle

Outside a room there are three light switches. One of switch is connected to a light bulb inside the room.
Each of the three switches can be either 'ON' or 'OFF'.

You are allowed to set each switch the way you want it and then enter the room(note: you can enter the room only once)

Your task is to then determine which switch controls the bulb ??

Challenging Puzzle

Set the first switches on for abt 10min, and then switch on the second switch and then enter the room.
Three cases are possible
1.Bulb is on => second switch is the ans
2.Bulb is off and on touching bulb , you will find bulb to be warm
=>1st switch is the ans.
3.Bulb is off and on touching second bulb , you will find bulb to be normal(not warm)
=>3rd bulb is the ans.

#4 - Hard Math Riddle

Take 9 from 6, 10 from 9, 50 from 40 and leave 6.

How Come ??

SIX - 9 (IX) = S
9 (IX) - 10 (X) = I
40 (XL) - 50 (L) = X

#5 - Famous Probability puzzle SHOOT

Mr. Black, Mr. Gray, and Mr. White are fighting in a truel. They each get a gun and take turns shooting at each other until only one person is left. Mr. Black, who hits his shot 1/3 of the time, gets to shoot first. Mr. Gray, who hits his shot 2/3 of the time, gets to shoot next, assuming he is still alive. Mr. White, who hits his shot all the time, shoots next, assuming he is also alive. The cycle repeats. If you are Mr. Black, where should you shoot first for the highest chance of survival?

Famous Probability puzzle SHOOT

He should shoot at the ground.

If Mr. Black shoots the ground, it is Mr. Gray's turn. Mr. Gray would rather shoot at Mr. White than Mr. Black, because he is better. If Mr. Gray kills Mr. White, it is just Mr. Black and Mr. Gray left, giving Mr. Black a fair chance of winning. If Mr. Gray does not kill Mr. White, it is Mr. White's turn. He would rather shoot at Mr. Gray and will definitely kill him. Even though it is now Mr. Black against Mr. White, Mr. Black has a better chance of winning than before.

#6 - Famous Elevator Puzzle

A man who lives on the tenth floor takes the elevator down to the first floor every morning and goes to work. In the evening, when he comes back; on a rainy day, or if there are other people in the elevator, he goes to his floor directly. Otherwise, he goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to his apartment.
Can you explain why?

The man is a of short stature. He can't reach the upper elevator buttons, but can push is with his umbrella.

#7 - CAT EXAM Riddle

There is a shop that reads:
Buy 1 for $1.00
10 for $2.00
100 for $3.00
I needed 913 and still only paid $3.00. How could this be financially viable for the shop-keeper?

They are numbers for houses and it's $1 per digit.

#8 - Mystery Puzzle Sherlock Holmes

One snowy night, Sherlock Holmes was in his house sitting by a fire. All of a sudden a snowball came crashing through his window, breaking it. Holmes got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were John Crimson, Mark Crimson and Paul Crimson.
The next day Holmes got a note on his door that read "? Crimson. He broke your window."
Which of the three Crimson brothers should Sherlock Holmes question about the incident?

Mystery Puzzle Sherlock Holmes

Mark Crimson "?" = question MARK, so the note on the door reads "Question Mark Crimson. He broke your window."

#9 - Friday The 13th Riddle

Many people would think Friday the 13th will be an unlucky day. Is it possible that there is no Friday on 13th through the whole year? How many Fridays at 13th can we have in a year at most? Can you calculate it out?

We can calculate out how many days there will be for the 13th on each month if we count from the beginning of the year (January 1). Then we divide total days by 7 to get the remainders. We also need to consider the leap year. Through the whole year we had all kinds of remainders, from 0 to 6. The minimum of occurence for all the unique remainders was 1. It means that we have at least one Friday on 13th. In a regular year, the best chance you can get 3 Fridays on 13th, which are in February, March and December because the remainders of these 3 months are 2. In a leap year, the best chance you also can get 3 Fridays on 13th, which are in January, April and July because the remainders of these 3 months are 6.

#10 - September Riddle

man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?


The man gave away a total of 25 cents. He divided it between two people. Therefore, he gave a quarter to two