#11 - Classic Hens Eggs Puzzle

A chicken farmer has figured out that a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half. How many hens does the farmer need to produce one dozen eggs in six days?

Classic Hens Eggs Puzzle

the farmer needs 3 hens to produce 12 eggs in 6 days

This is a classic problem that many people get wrong because they reason that half of a hen cannot lay an egg, and a hen cannot lay half an egg. However, we can get a satisfactory solution by treating this as a purely mathematical problem where the numbers represent averages.

To solve the problem, we first need to find the rate at which the hens lay eggs. The problem can be represented by the following equation, where RATE is the number of eggs produced per hen·day:

1½ hens × 1½ days × RATE = 1½ eggs

We convert this to fractions thus:
3/2 hens × 3/2 days × RATE = 3/2 eggs

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 2/3, we get:
1 hen × 3/2 days × RATE = 1 egg

Multiplying both sides of the equation again by 2/3 and solving for RATE, we get:
RATE = 2/3 eggs per hen·day

Now that we know the rate at which hens lay eggs, we can calculate how many hens (H) can produce 12 eggs in six days using the following equation:

H hens × 6 days × 2/3 eggs per hen·day = 12 eggs

Solving for H, we get:
H = 12 eggs /(6 days × 2/3 eggs per hen·day) = 12/4 = 3 hens

Therefore, the farmer needs 3 hens to produce 12 eggs in 6 days.

#12 - Find The Word Puzzle

Begin with a word, five letters to my name,
Remove the first and last but I am the same
Take out my middle and still I remain.
What word am I?

Find The Word Puzzle

Empty. (mpt, emty or mt depending on your interpretation)

#13 - Hard Algebra Puzzle

Solve This ?

Hard Algebra Puzzle

5795 + 6435 + 2505 = 14735 or
5305 + 2475 + 6595 = 14375

#14 - Smart Math Problem

As they say, beggars can't be choosers, in fact begger take what they can get. A begger on the street can make one cigarette out of every 6 cigarette butts he finds. After one whole day of searching and checking public ashtrays the begger finds a total of 72 cigarette butts. How many cigarettes can he make and smoke from the butts he found?

Smart Math Problem

If the begger can make a whole cigarette from 6 butts then he can make 12 cigarettes from the 72 he found. Once he smokes those, he then will have another 12 butts, which gives him enough to make another 2 cigarettes. A total of 14.

#15 - Which Is The Odd One Out

Find The Odd One Out

Which Is The Odd One Out

All the others can also be read backwards as proper words.

#16 - Einstein Riddle

Einstein Knows what 11, 69, and 88 have in common?Do You ?

Einstein Riddle

They all read the same rightside or upside down.

#17 - March Series Puzzle

Which will be last number of series?
18, 46, 94, 63, 52, ?

March Series Puzzle

Reversed digits of squares of number in descending order.

#18 - Youngest Age Puzzle

Kareena is older than Katrina and younger than Karishma. Isabelle is younger than Bipasha and Karishma. Bipasha is older than Karishma. If Kareena and Isabelle are the same age, who's youngest?

Youngest Age Puzzle

Katrina is the youngest

#19 - Childhood Riddle

What's the only room from which no one can enter or leave

Childhood Riddle


#20 - Maths Number Puzzle

Can you make four (4) nines (9) equal 100 ?

Maths Number Puzzle

99+9/9 = 100