#11 - Hard Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Suppose we lay down two cups in front of you. One of the cups is filled with tea and the other one with coffee. Now we ask you to take a spoonful of tea and mix it with the coffee. At this moment, the coffee cup has a mixture of tea and coffee. You have to take that mixture (spoonful) and add it back to the tea.

Can you now tell if the cup of coffee has more tea or the cup of tea has more coffee ?

Hard Lateral Thinking Puzzle

The fact is that both the amounts are same.
After the swap has been done, you must know that the quantity of liquid is same in both the cups as you have taken and mixed a spoonful only in both the cases. So, there is no change in the quantity of the liquids.

No if there is any tea missing from the tea cup, it is now in the coffee cup. Also, since the quantity is same, then the same amount of coffee must be missing from the coffee cup and is now in the tea cup.

#12 - Tricky Problem On Probability

There was a blind man. He had four socks in his drawer either black or white. He opened it and took out two socks. Now the probability that it was a pair of white socks is 1/2.

Can you find out the probability that he had taken out a pair of black socks ?

Tricky Problem On Probability

This question can be a tricky one. The probability that is asked will be zero.

If the probability off taking out a pair of white socks is 1/2, it means that there is no black pair. This is because if there had been, there would have been three cases – white pair, black pair and mixed pair. But since in the question it is clear that there were just two chances (1/2), we can fairly deduce that there were only one black sock and the rest were white.

#13 - Popular Thursday Riddle

A girl rode into a tourist spot out of the city on Thursday. She loved the place and decided to stay for a few days. She stayed for four days and then she left for back home on Thursday.

How can this be possible?

This is possible as Thursday was the name of her car.

#14 - Well Known Hiccups Riddle

A man walked into a pub and went straight towards the barman. He asked for a dirty martini from the barman. The barman thought something and then pulled out a pistol from a drawer. He aimed it directly at the man. Why did he do that?

Well Known Hiccups Riddle

The man who asked for the dirty martini was having hiccups which was evident when he asked for it. Thus, the barman pulled out a gun and aimed at him to give him a shock which ultimately cured his hiccups.

#15 - Trick Humorous Puzzle

You were playing ping pong with your friend. Suddenly the ball fell into a narrow metal pipe that was imbedded in the concrete surface of the floor one foot deep. Now you dont have any other ball and you desperately want to take it out and play. You and your friend have your shoe laces, your tennis paddle and a plastic water bottle. However the bottle cannot fit into the pipe.

How will you take the ball out?

All the tools you have are just given to draw your attention. In reality, you wont be using any one of them to take out that ball. It is a ping pong ball right? You have a water bottle too. Just empty the bottle in that narrow hole and your ball will float to the top automatically.

#16 - GP Mathematics Puzzle

A rubber ball keeps on bouncing back to 2/3 of the height from which it is dropped. Can you calculate the fraction of its original height that the ball will bounce after it is dropped and it has bounced four times without any hindrance ?

GP Mathematics Puzzle

Let us solve this question one step at a time.
We know that each time the ball is dropped it bounces back and reach 2/3 of the height.
Thus, after the first bounce, the ball will reach 2/3 of the height from which it was dropped.
After the second bounce, the ball will reach 2/3 of the height again after the first bounce.
Thus the total height at which the ball must have reached by this time will be 2/3 * 2/3 = 4/9 of the original height.
After third bounce, 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 = 8/27 of the original height.
After fourth bounce, 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 = 16/81 of the original height.

Thus, the ball will reach 16/81 of the original height from which it was dropped.

#17 - Spiral Square Stick Puzzle

Can you move three sticks of the spiral below to form a square ?

Spiral Square Stick Puzzle

#18 - How Many Triangles Hexagon Puzzle

Cont number of triangle in the hexagon below ?

How Many Triangles Hexagon Puzzle


#19 - Funny And Clever Riddle

You are stuck on an island where you have nothing. You find four pieces of paper somewhere on the island. What will be your strategy to escape from the island safely?

PS: No other resource is available to you on the island, neither can you build anything.

Funny And Clever Riddle

Nothing is the name of a ship that has been docked near the coast. The four pieces of paper contains the map and directions that can be used by you while driving the ship.

#20 - Missing Figure

Can you find the missing figure from the grid? Choose from the options given.

Missing Figure

The figure D will fit in the missing position. This is because with every figure, the number of black dots are increasing. Thus the D figure is the only one that I suitable.