Abhishek needs to take his girlfriend Aishwarya for a lunch date, so he asked his parents from the money. Both his father Amitabh and his mother Jaya gave him 10$ each.
At the restaurant, total bill comes out to be 17$. After lunch, Abhishek went home back and gave 1$ each to his mother and father.
To sum up, Jaya and Amitabh spend 9$ each and Abhishek keep 1$ for himself which sums to 19$

Where is the missing 1$?

Missing Dollar Riddle

This type of puzzle is referred to as an informal fallacy puzzle. The general idea is that the logic that is presented to the user appears at first glance to be correct, but in actuality has an error in it.
Total dollar spend by parents = 9+9 = 18
=>17spend on lunch + 1dollar (Amitabh kept for himself)`