#11 - Agent Bond Secret Message

It is Secret Agent Bond Girl Friend birthday but he is on a secret mission

Mr. Bond got a secret device by which he can only use below words for sending the message.

Dumbo, Nazi, Carrot, Ronda, Zambia, Racing, TinTin, Seou, Zareeba, Laltain, Saphire, Tar, Orphan, Audition, Biscotti.

Mr. Bond sends the following message to her girlfriend:
Carrot Dumbo Nazi Racing Ronda Zambia TinTin Seou Laltain Zareeba Tar Biscotti Orphan Audition Snake

What does Mr. Bond Message say?


Message Was: Carrot Dumbo Nazzi Racing Ronda Zambia TinTin Seou Laltain Zareeba Tar Biscotti Orphan Audition Snake

Pick the 1st letter of the first word, 2nd letter of the second word, Pick 1st letter from the third word and so on.

Carrot - C
Dumbo - O
Nazi - N
Racing - G
Ronda - R
Zambia - A
TinTin - T
Seou - U
Laltain - L
Zareeba - A
Tar - T
Biscotti - I
Orphan - O
Audition - N
Snake - S

#12 - Probability Of Having Same Birthday

How many people must be gathered together in a room, before you can be certain that there is a greater than 50/50 chance that at least two of them have the same birthday?

Only twenty-three people need be in the room, a surprisingly small number. The probability that there will not be two matching birthdays is then, ignoring leap years, 365x364x363x...x343/365 over 23 which is approximately 0.493. this is less than half, and therefore the probability that a pair occurs is greater than 50-50. With as few as fourteen people in the room the chances are better than 50-50 that a pair will have birthdays on the same day or on consecutive days.

#13 - Age Riddle

Sonal had her birthday in the year 2000 she became 8 years old. But she was born in the year 2008.
How can you explain this?

Age Riddle

She was born 2008 BC

#14 - Tricky Question

One day, Lavesh and his friends were playing around. Tarun hit something with a Pin and it popped. Lavesh's dad came in the room that very moment, but he wasn't mad. In fact, he was smiling. What did Mark hit?

Tricky Question

A Balloon , It was Lavesh Birthday.

#15 - Hard Math Question

A generous owner of a company decided to give a bonus of $45 to every man and $60 to every woman on his birthday. But only one ninth of the men and one twelfth of woman were present to take the bonus.

Can you calculate the amount of money the owner spent if there were 3552 employees ?

Hard Math Question


Let us assume that there are x male employees.
No. of female employees will be (3553 – x)
One ninth of men = x/9 who received $45
And one twelfth of the women = (3553 – x) /12 who received $60

Thus total received = (45 * (x / 9)) + (60 * (3552 - x) / 12)
= 5 * 3552
= $17,760

#16 - Famous Birthday Riddle

On a certain day, Kian celebrated his birthday. Two days later, his older twin brother Shane celebrated his birthday.

Is this even possible? How can it be?

Famous Birthday Riddle

When the mother of Shane and Kian went into labor, she was travelling in a boat. Shane, the elder one was born on 1st of March. Just after his birth, the boat crossed the international time zone and Kian was born on 28th of February. Now, if it is a leap year, the younger brother will celebrate his birthday two days before the elder one.

#17 - Simple Popular Rebus

What does below rebus means ?

Simple Popular Rebus

Happy Birthday To You

#18 - Sophie Birthday Riddle

How can Sophie was born on 25 December, still Sophie birthday is during the summer?

Sophie was born in the Southern Hemisphere.