#11 - Easy Who Am I Question

Living above a star, I do not burn
Eleven friends and they do not turn
I can just be visited in a sequence, not once or repeatedly
PQRS are my initials
Can you tell my name accurately?

Easy Who Am I Question

I am the number 7 on a phone number pad.

#12 - 13 Hearts Riddle

I have 13 hearts, yet never alive. Who am I?

A pack of cards.

#13 - Indoor Office scavenger hunt brain teaser

The first clue in the corporate office is hidden within the answer to the riddle below:

"In the realm of the workplace, I silently reside,
Generating replicas, black and white side by side.
Using paper as my canvas, tirelessly I toil,
A faithful companion, aiding in office turmoil."

Where might you discover the location of the clue?

Indoor Office scavenger hunt brain teaser

Photocopier Machine

#14 - Oppenheimer's Brain Teaser

At my very heart, great power lies,
Atoms split, no disguise.
With mushroom clouds, I'm infamous and feared,
Oppenheimer's creation, history seared.

What am I?

Oppenheimer's Brain Teaser

A nuclear bomb.

#15 - T Riddle

I start with T.
I end with T and I am full of T.
Who am I?

T Riddle

Tea Pot (full of T(tea)

#16 - What Is It Puzzle

You Throw The Outside, Cook The Inside
Eat The Outside , Throw The Inside.

What Is It ?

What Is It Puzzle

A Corn

#17 - Easy Who Am I Riddle

I never was there, I am always to be.
You have never ever seen me, not ever you will.
Yet I am the confidence of everyone.

Who Am I ?


#18 - Poem Who Am I Riddle

I have a mouth but i dont eat.
I have a bank but have no money.
I have a bed but i dont sleep.
I wave but have no hands.

Who Am I ?

Poem Who Am I Riddle

A River

#19 - Who Am I Problem

I grant you a vision right through the wall. Who am I?

Who Am I Problem


#20 - What Are They Riddle

Solve the following riddle

They do not possess flesh or feathers or scales or bone
But still they are blessed with fingers and thumbs of their own.

What Are They Riddle

They are gloves