#11 - River Riddle

Four people need to cross a dark river at night.They have only one torch and the river is too risky to cross without the tourch. if all people cross simultanoesly then torch light wont be sufficient.Speed of each person of crossing the river is different.cross time for each person is 1 min, 2 mins, 7 mins and 10 mins. What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the river ?

River Riddle

The initial solution most people will think of is to use the fastest person as an usher to guide everyone across. How long would that take? 10 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 21 mins. Is that it? No. That would make this question too simple even as a warm up question.

Let's brainstorm a little further. To reduce the amount of time, we should find a way for 10 and 7 to go together. If they cross together, then we need one of them to come back to get the others. That would not be ideal. How do we get around that? Maybe we can have 1 waiting on the other side to bring the torch back. Ahaa, we are getting closer. The fastest way to get 1 across and be back is to use 2 to usher 1 across. So let's put all this together.

1 and 2 go cross
2 comes back
7 and 10 go across
1 comes back
1 and 2 go across (done)

Total time = 2 + 2 + 10 + 1 + 2 = 17 mins

#12 - Fun Math Puzzle

Baseball bat and ball cost $50. If the bat cost $49 more than the ball, what is the cost of each

Fun Math Puzzle

bat $49.50, ball $0.50

#13 - Logic Interview Question

The first box has two white balls. The second box has two black balls. The third box has a white and a black ball.

Boxes are labeled but all labels are wrong!

You are allowed to open one box, pick one ball at random, see its color and put it back into the box, without seeing the color of the other ball.

How many such operations are necessary to correctly label the boxes?

Logic Interview Question

Just One!

Because we know all labels are wrong.
So the BW box must be either BB or WW. Selecting one ball from BW will let you know which.
And the other two boxes can then be worked out logically.

#14 - Logic Thinking Puzzle

At a restaurant downtown, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and Mr. White meet for lunch. Under their coats they are wearing either a red, blue, or white shirt.Mr. Blue says, 'Hey, did you notice we are all wearing different colored shirts from our names?' The man wearing the white shirt says, 'Wow, Mr. Blue, that's right!'
Can you tell who is wearing what color shirt?

Logic Thinking Puzzle

Blue could only be wearing white or red and we know that there is already someone else wearing the white shirt so Mr. Blue could only be wearing the red shirt.

Mr. White could have only been wearing a blue or a red shirt, and red is already taken, so Mr. White is wearing a blue shirt.

Mr. Red now has to be wearing a white shirt.

#15 - Monty Hall Problem Puzzle

The host of a game show, offers the guest a choice of three doors. Behind one is a expensive car, but behind the other two are goats.
After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car).

Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door.

You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize.

Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter?

Monty Hall Problem Puzzle

You better switch!

Your first choice has a 1/3 chance of having the car, and that does not change.
The other two doors HAD a combined chance of 2/3, but now a Goat has ben revealed behind one, all the 2/3 chance is with the other door.

#16 - No Uninvited Guest Puzzle

Queen Elizabeth organized a royal party.

To Avoid uninvited guest royal family set a password.
Wayne (an uninvited person) plan to enter the party. He stand nearby the door.

First guest comes, the security person said 'twelve' and guest replied with six.
Second guest comes , the security person said 'six' and guest replied with 'three'.

Wayne thought is enough and he walked to the entry point. The security person said 'eight' , Wayne replied smilingly 'four'.
He was immediately thrown out of the party.

why ?

No Uninvited Guest Puzzle


password is not half , rather the sum of digit.

#17 - Popular Liar Truth Riddle

Suarez is a strange liar.

He lies on six days of the week, but on the seventh day he always tells the truth.

He made the following statements on three successive days:

Day 1: "I lie on Monday and Tuesday."
Day 2: "Today, it"s Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday."
Day 3: "I lie on Wednesday and Friday."

On which day does Suarez tell the truth?

Popular Liar Truth Riddle


We know that Suarez tells the truth on only a single day of the week. If the statement on day 1 is untrue, this means that he tells the truth on Monday or Tuesday. If the statement on day 3 is untrue, this means that he tells the truth on Wednesday or Friday. Since Suarez tells the truth on only one day, these statements cannot both be untrue. So, exactly one of these statements must be true, and the statement on day 2 must be untrue.
Assume that the statement on day 1 is true. Then the statement on day 3 must be untrue, from which follows that Suarez tells the truth on Wednesday or Friday. So, day 1 is a Wednesday or a Friday. Therefore, day 2 is a Thursday or a Saturday. However, this would imply that the statement on day 2 is true, which is impossible. From this we can conclude that the statement on day 1 must be untrue.

This means that Suarez told the truth on day 3 and that this day is a Monday or a Tuesday. So day 2 is a Sunday or a Monday. Because the statement on day 2 must be untrue, we can conclude that day 2 is a Monday.

So day 3 is a Tuesday. Therefore, the day on which Suarez tells the truth is Tuesday.

#18 - Most Famous Maths Puzzle

I can prove why 1 = 2

* Lets say y = x
* Multiply through by x xy = x2
* Subtract y2 from each side xy - y2 = x2 - y2
* Factor each side y(x-y) = (x+y)(x-y)
* Divide both sides by (x-y) y = x+y
* Divide both sides by y y/y = x/y + y/y
* And so... 1 = x/y + 1
* Since x=y, x/y = 1 1 = 1 + 1
* And so... 1 = 2

How is this possible ?

Most Famous Maths Puzzle

Step 5 is invalid, because we are dividing by (x-y), and since x=y, we are thus dividing by 0. This is an invalid mathematical operation (division by 0), and so by not following basic mathematical rules

#19 - Prison Break Riddle

Two prisoners 'Lincoln Burrows' and 'Michael Scofield' are locked in a cell.
There is open window approx 30 feet above the ground of the cell.
They are never able to reach there.

Then they plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
After digging for more than 20 days, Scofield comes with the different plan and they escaped.

what was the plan ?

Prison Break Riddle

They use the dirt and bricks from the tunnel and stand on it then one on top of the other.

#20 - Classic Logical Interview Puzzle

I have two rectangular wires.
Both of them have property that when i light the fire from one end , it will take 60 minutes to get completely burn.
However they do not burn at consistent speed (i.e it might be possible 1st 20% burn in 50 minutes and 80% can burn in 10 minutes).

So how could i measure 45 minutes ?

Classic Logical Interview Puzzle

A) burn 1st wire from both end and 2nd wire from one end
B) After 30 minutes(when 1st wire gets completely burned out) , burn the second wire from 2nd end as well
C) when 2nd run completely gets burned , you know its 45 minutes.