#1 - Mathematics Trivia Riddle

Which three numbers have the same answer whether they are added or multiplied together?

Mathematics Trivia Riddle

1 2 and 3

1 + 2 + 3 = 1 * 2 * 3 = 6

#2 - 90% Failed This Equation 60/2(10+5)

Can you solve the below trick equation?

90% Failed This Equation 60/2(10+5)


60 / 2(10+5) = ?
60 / 2(15) = ?
60 / 2 x 15 = ?
Using the BODMAS rule, we need to apply division first.
30 x 15 = ?
450 ..... The Answer

#3 - Hard Clock Banana Hexagon Square Pentagon Algebra Problem

So Can you solve this Clock Banana and Maths Shapes Riddle?

This riddle is very hard and 99% of the user failed to answer this.

Hard Clock Banana Hexagon Square Pentagon Algebra Problem


#4 - Square Root 12345678987654321 Puzzle

The square root of number 121 is "11". What is the square root of number "12345678987654321." ?

Square Root 12345678987654321 Puzzle


It is a very popular square root series i.e.
Square root fo number 121 is 11
Square root fo number 12321 is 111
Square root fo number 1234321 is 1111 and so on....

#5 - Good Age Riddle

Lena Dunham , Allison Williams, and Jemima Kirke are 3 daughters of a good mathematician "Geroge".
When I asked George the age of their daughters. He replied "The current age of her daughters is prime. Also, the difference between their ages is also prime."

How old are the daughters ?

Lena Dunham : 2 , Allison Williams : 5 and Jemima Kirke : 7

Age diff : 7-2 is 5 , 7-5 is 2 and 5-2 is 3 which all are prime numbers

#6 - Popular Algebraic Equation Puzzle

0 0 0 = 6
1 1 1 = 6
2 2 2 = 6
3 3 3 = 6
4 4 4 = 6
5 5 5 = 6
6 6 6 = 6
7 7 7 = 6
8 8 8 = 6
9 9 9 = 6

You can use any mathematical symbols in the space provided to make all above algebraic expressions true.

(0! + 0! + 0! )! =6
(1! + 1! + 1! )! =6
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
3 * 3 - 3 = 6
4 + 4 -sqrt(4) = 6
5 + 5 / 5 = 6
6 + 6 - 6 = 6
7 - 7 / 7 =6
8 - sqrt(sqrt(8+8) = 6
(9 + 9) / sqrt(9) = 6

#7 - Number Trivia

Can you find out which number multiplied by itself will give the output as 12345678987654321 ?

1 * 1 = 1
11 * 11 = 121
111 * 111 = 12321
1111 * 1111 = 1234321
111111111 * 111111111 = 11=2345678987654321

#8 - Who Survives Hard Logic Puzzle

Suppose there are 100 people standing in a circle. The first person has a gun in hand. What he has to do is shoot the second person and then pass the gun to the third person. Now, the third person kills the fourth person and gives gun to the fifth person.

This process is carried till there is only one person surviving. Can you find out who survives at the end ?

Who Survives Hard Logic Puzzle


There is a simple logic behind solving this question. If the number of people are a power of 2, then the last person standing will be the person who started it.
Now, here we have 100 people. Thus, we will take the highest power of 2 which is less than the total number which is 64.
100 - 64 = 36.
This means that 36 people are killed.
If you go on with the series of even numbers, the 36 people will end at 72 (2, 4, 6, ..., 72). Thus the gun will be in the hand of 73rd person. Now the remaining people are 64 which is the power of 2. Thus the person who will survive in the end will be the 73rd person since he is starting it.

#9 - Physics Maths Who Dies Question

In the following picture, E is going to slide the object down and as per the terrain and the physics, the round object is going to travel all the way till the end. Now, can you analyze who all people will die when it happens?

Physics Maths Who Dies Question

As you can see, the person at D dies straight through the object directly. The object then travels further and the see saw thing kills the person at the C as it has spikes below that. Upon falling, over the see saw, the blue object lifts up and then kill the person at B.The solution ends here, but just for fun, The E stands for Ebola and thus the person at A dies as well.Thanks to 9gag for this gif.

#10 - Solve Mathematical Equation

Can you solve below mathematical equation ?

2^1234 - 2^1233
