#1 - Tricky Number Series Riddle

Analyze the series below and find out the next number.
5, 25, 325, 4325, __?

Tricky Number Series Riddle


Consider 1 = 5
2 = 25
3 = 325
4 = 4325
Then 5 = 54325

With every digit, the previous numbers are added after that digit

So the answer is 54325

#2 - Difficult Number Series

Find the next number in the series ?
1 10 24 43 67 ?

Difficult Number Series


Difference between two numbers are

Difference between every consecutive number is 5.
So next number is 67+29=96

#3 - Number Series Problem

What number comes next in this sequence:
7 8 5 5 3 4 4 ?

Number Series Problem

6- the number of letters in the month august; (January has 7 letters, February has 8 etc.)

#4 - Logical Number Series

Find the next number in this series.

6 14 36 98 ?

Logical Number Series


6 = 11 + 21 + 31
14 = 12 + 22 + 32
36 = 13 + 23 + 33
98 = 14 + 24 + 34
276 = 15 + 25 + 35

#5 - Missing Number In the Sequence Puzzle

Find The Missing Number In the Sequence ?
6 25 64 ? 32 1

Missing Number In the Sequence Puzzle

The answer is 81

6 (6^1)
25 (5^2)
64 (4^3)
81 (3^4)
32 (2^5)
1 (1^6)

#6 - Missing Number Series Riddle

Find the missing number in the sequecne

8 27 ? 343 1331


cube of prime numbers
3*3*3 and so ...

#7 - Polaris Maths Aptitude Interview Questio

Find the next number in the series

12, 20, 40, 72, 116, 172 ?

* This question was asked in polaris

Polaris Maths Aptitude Interview Questio


40 { diff 20 + 12 =>32 add to it}
72 { diff 32 + 12 =>44 add to it}
116 { diff 44 + 12 =>56 add to it}
172 { diff 56 + 12 =>68 add to it}

#8 - Science Series Puzzle

H, Be, F, S, Mn, Kr, In, Gd, Tl, ?

What's the next in the series?

Science Series Puzzle


These are the chemical elements whose atomic numbers are perfect squares.

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100.

#9 - Next Number In Pattern Puzzle

what is next number in pattern below

131 517 192 123 ?

Next Number In Pattern Puzzle

space them properly as 13 15 17 19 21 23....

#10 - Missing Number In The Picture

Find the missing number in the picture below ?

Missing Number In The Picture

30(sum of corner of triangle)