#11 - Sherlock Riddle

Sherlock Homes was challenge to make a pre-drawn line smaller without erasing it. He did it in fractions of seconds. How?

Sherlock Riddle

He drew a long line adjacent to the pre drawn line making the first line smaller.

#12 - Who Is The Killer

A murder took place on the Baker Street. The murderer seemed a fan of Sherlock Holmes evident with the notes he/she left behind at the house at different locations.

When Sherlock Holmes arrived, he found out that the victim was a lady named Martha. She was shot and there were five suspects:

The notes that were left by the murderer were placed at different places and had a little description on them:
The first note was found in the compound.
The second note was found in the art room.
The third note was found in the restroom.
The fourth note was found in the underwater room.
The fifth note was found in the smoking lounge.
The sixth note was found in the makeup room.

All the notes had only one thing written on them:
"The clues are where you find the notes."

On examination, nothing was found anywhere. Can you help Sherlock to decipher this puzzle?

While it may have sounded a bit too difficult, it is not that difficult to crack.

The murderer is Marcus.

The notes were found in the Compound, Art Room, Restroom, Underwater Room, Smoking Lounge and Makeup Room.

Now, if we just look at the first letter of each, we will have - C, A, R, U, S and M.
If you arrange the letters, you will get the name Marcus.

#13 - Sherlock holmes murderer puzzle

The fifth richest man in the Baker Street named Mr. Bill Richman is kidnapped. Sherlock Holmes is appointed on the case. At the crime scene, a note is found written by Mr. Richman. The note read:
"First of January, Fourth of October, Fifth of March, Third of June."
Sherlock knew that somehow, the killer name was hidden in the note. The following were the suspects:
Jack Richman, the son and the heir of property.
John Jacobson, the employee of Richman.
June Richman, the wife of Richman.

Sherlock took only a few moments to deduce the killer name. Can you tell who was the killer?

The kidnapper was John Jacobson.
All you have to do is read the note carefully.
First of January = First letter of January i.e. J.

The name is JOHN.

#14 - Baker Street Murder Mystery

A crime was committed at baker street. Ibrahim Dakota who was shot at stomach was the main suspect. Sherlock questioned the suspect. Conversation started as:
Sherlock: Whats your story Ibrahim?
Ibrahim: I was walking around the baker street and suddenly a man from back shot me. I ran as fast as he could to save my life".
Sherlock: That is enough (and ask the police to arrest him).

Why sherlock things he is the murderer?

If Shot from back, then how can he get the injury at the stomach. Therefore a fake story.

#15 - TV character Rebus Puzzle

Can you identify the famous TV character from the rebus below?

TV character Rebus Puzzle

Sherlock Holmes ( She + R + lock + Home)