#1 - Billiard Ball Problem

A billiard ball is struck without side so that it strikes all four cushions and returns to its starting position. In what direction is it struck, and how far does it travel


#2 - Sum Problem

What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?

Hard, using the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the second word, etc

#3 - Problem

Here's another one of my favorites. Look at this sequence of letters and then tell us what the last letter should be.
O T T F F S S ?


One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight

#4 - Name Problem

What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?

Name of a person

#5 - Chimney

What can go up a chimney down, but cant go down a chimney up?

An umbrella

#6 - Age Problem

It walks on 4 when its young, walks on 2 when its older, and walks on 3 when its very old?

A man, It drives on a tricycle when it's young, on a bicycle when it's older, and in a car eventually. Of course that's not always true, but in standard western society.

#7 - Sum Problem

What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?

Hard, using the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the second word, etc

#8 - Truth-Lie Problem

Four children had a race. At the end of the race
four statements were made:

Robert: I didn't come in first or last
David: I didn't come in last
Melissa: I was first
Bailey: I was last
You know that one, and only one, of the children
didn't tell the truth. Who won the race?

#9 - Costume Problem

There were three women in all swimming costumes!
One was happy and the other two were sad!
The happy one was crying and the sad ones were smiling.
Why was this?

They were in a modelling competetion! The happy one, is crying with happiness and the two sad girls are smiling because the losers and runners up always just stand there smiling even though they want to kill the winner.

#10 - Anagram Problem

A woman lives in a skyscraper thirty-six floors high and served by several elevators which stop at each floor going up and down. Each morning she leaves her apartment and goes to one of the elevators. Whichever one she takes is three times more likely to be going up than down. Why ??

She lives on the 27th floor. The elevator came down from the 36th to the 28th floor - 9 floors; or it came up from the 1st to the 27th floor - 27 floors. Therefore there is a 3to1 chance of it going up rather than down.