#1 - Famous Riddle

On my way to St. Ives I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives. How many were going to St. Ives?

1, Only Me

#2 - Cricket Puzzle

Two batsman each on 94 runs. Seven runs needed to win in last 3 balls. Both make 100*. How?

Batsman hit six and gone retired hurt while the new batsman come to play and get runout for his wicket and the other batsman hit six and made both century and team win..

#3 - Hard Math Riddle

Take 9 from 6, 10 from 9, 50 from 40 and leave 6.

How Come ??

SIX - 9 (IX) = S
9 (IX) - 10 (X) = I
40 (XL) - 50 (L) = X

#4 - CAT EXAM Riddle

There is a shop that reads:
Buy 1 for $1.00
10 for $2.00
100 for $3.00
I needed 913 and still only paid $3.00. How could this be financially viable for the shop-keeper?

They are numbers for houses and it's $1 per digit.

#5 - Trick Teaser Riddle

Jason decided to give his bike 3 coats of paint. Which coat would go on the first?

The second, as it is the only coat that can go on 'the first' coat.

#6 - Decode This Message

Decode The Message

carrot fiasco nephew spring rabbit
sonata tailor bureau legacy corona
travel bikini object happen soften
picnic option waited effigy adverb
report accuse animal shriek esteem

Starting with the first two words, Take the first and last letters, reading from left to right. Example: Carrot fiascO "from these pairs" the message is as follows:


#7 - Lateral Thinking Question

A boy and his father are caught in a traffic accident, and the father dies. Immediately the boy is rushed to a hospital, suffering from injuries. But the attending surgeon at the hospital, upon seeing the boy, says 'I cannot operate. This boy is my son.' How is this situation explained?

The surgeon is the boy's mother

#8 - Funny Logic Riddle

A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?

The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.

#9 - Weighing Balance Puzzle

You can place weights on both side of weighing balance and you need to measure all weights between 1 and 1000. For example if you have weights 1 and 3,now you can measure 1,3 and 4 like earlier case, and also you can measure 2,by placing 3 on one side and 1 on the side which contain the substance to be weighed. So question again is how many minimum weights and of what denominations you need to measure all weights from 1kg to 1000kg.

Weighing Balance Puzzle

For this answer is 3^0, 3^1, 3^2... That is 1,3,9,27,81,243 and 729.

#10 - Missing Piece Puzzle

Below the four parts have been reorganized. The four partitions are exactly the same in both arrangements. Why is there a hole?

Missing Piece Puzzle

he gradient of the teal hypotenuse is different than the gradient of the red hypotenuse.