#1 - Logical Bet Riddle

Snow and Tyrion are two mad logicians and loves betting.They placed 11 Candies at the table and designed a small betting game, in which both of them need to eat Candies turn by turn with the following rules:Rule1: One need to eat at least one candy.Rule2: One cannot eat more than 5 candies.The one that eats last candy will loose.Snow won the toss and need to start.How many candies must Snow ear in order to make sure that he won the bet?

Logical Bet Riddle

Snow eats 4 candies

How many candies Tyrion eats, Snow needs to make sure that only 1 candy is left after his turn, So Tyrion needs to eat the last candy.

If Tyrion picks 1, Snow picks 5
If Tyrion picks 2, Snow picks 4
If Tyrion picks 5, Snow picks 1

#2 - Tricky Algebraic Equation

29 - 1 = 30
9 - 1 = 10
14 - 1 = 15

Based on similar logic, Can you prove that the below algebraic equation is true?
11 - 1 = 10 ?

XI - I = X

Remove I (Roman equivalent of number 1) from the LHS, you will the get the number on the RHS.
29 - 1 = 30

14 - 1 = 15
XIV - I = XV

9 - 1 =10
IX - I = X

11 - 1 = 10
XI - I = X

#3 - Fun With Equation Puzzle

Let us say there are two natural numbers "L" and "R".
We performed eight operations on these two numbers as

Step-1: L = R
Step-2: L x L = R x L
Step-3: L^2 - R^2 = LR - R^2
Step-4: (L + R)( L - R) = R(L - R)
Step-5: L + R = R
Step-6: R + R = R
Step-7: 2R = R
Step- 8: 2 = 1

What is wrong here?

Step5 is Wrong.
We divided the two sides by (L-R).Since L = R which indicates that (L - R) = 0 and we cannot divide by zero.

#4 - Hidden Animals Picture Puzzle

Can you find the six hidden animals in the picture below?

Hidden Animals Picture Puzzle

Six hidden animals are Rabbit, Alligator, Camel, Butterfly, Cobra, and Deer.

#5 - Picture Cut Riddle

How can you cut the below shape into exact two parts by adding a single(not necessarily a straight) line?

Picture Cut Riddle

It is shown below.

#6 - Maria Room Riddle

Maria enters a small room.
The Door Closes.
When the door open, Maria is in a larger room.


Maria was in the lift.

#7 - Guards Camp Riddle

Two guards were guarding the camp.Guard-1 was looking towards the south to make sure no threat is coming from the road.Guard-2 was looking at the north to make sure no threat is coming from the top.Suddenly Guard-1 ask the Guard-2 why he is smiling?How Guard-1 knows that Guard-2 is smiling?

Guards Camp Riddle

The Guards were facing each other and not back to back.

#8 - 11 Letter Word Puzzle

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
Z = 26.

Based on above rule, you need to find an eleven letter word whose letter sum is equal to 52.


#9 - 3 Letter Word Riddle

Can you name the three letter word that can complete the below words ?

A) L O _ _ _ E
B) E D U _ _ _ E
C) _ _ _ E R
D) _ _ _ T L E



#10 - Six Digit Number Riddle

Can you find the largest six digit number whose sum is 43 and whose square is less than 5,00,000?


Square of 707 = 70499849
4+9+9+8+4+9 = 43