1. Who is Luke Skywalker's twin sister?
a) Rey
b) Padmé Amidala
c) Princess Leia Organa
d) Ahsoka Tano

2. What is the name of the desert planet where Anakin Skywalker was discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi?
a) Coruscant
b) Endor
c) Hoth
d) Tatooine

3. Who is the wise Jedi Master who trained both Yoda and Count Dooku?
a) Mace Windu
b) Yoda
c) Qui-Gon Jinn
d) Obi-Wan Kenobi

4. What is the nickname of Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon?
a) The Falcon
b) Star Destroyer
c) TIE Fighter
d) X-wing

5. Which Sith Lord is known for his iconic dual-bladed lightsaber and red and black face tattoos?
a) Darth Sidious
b) Darth Maul
c) Darth Vader
d) Darth Tyranus

6. Who said the famous line "I find your lack of faith disturbing"?
a) Grand Moff Tarkin
b) Emperor Palpatine
c) Darth Maul
d) Darth Vader

7. What is the name of the remote ice planet that serves as the location of the Rebel Alliance's Echo Base in "The Empire Strikes Back"?
a) Hoth
b) Tatooine
c) Endor
d) Dagobah

8. Who built C-3PO?
a) Han Solo
b) Chewbacca
c) R2-D2
d) Anakin Skywalker

9. What weapon do Jedi Knights use?
a) Bowcasters
b) Vibroblades
c) Lightsabers
d) Blasters

10. What is the name of the evil organization seeking to control the galaxy through tyranny and domination?
a) Galactic Empire
b) Galactic Federation
c) First Order
d) Rebellion