#21 - Famous Birthday Riddle

On a certain day, Kian celebrated his birthday. Two days later, his older twin brother Shane celebrated his birthday.

Is this even possible? How can it be?

Famous Birthday Riddle

When the mother of Shane and Kian went into labor, she was travelling in a boat. Shane, the elder one was born on 1st of March. Just after his birth, the boat crossed the international time zone and Kian was born on 28th of February. Now, if it is a leap year, the younger brother will celebrate his birthday two days before the elder one.

#22 - Infosys Bridge Crossing Puzzle

A family is trapped in a jungle. There is a bridge which can lead them to safety. But at one time, the bridge can only allow two people to pass through. Also, all of them are afraid of the dark and thus, they can’t go alone.

Father takes 1 minute to cross, mother takes 2 minutes, son takes 4 and the daughter takes 5 minutes. While crossing the time taken will be according to the slower one. How can they all reach at the other side in the minimum possible time ?

Infosys Bridge Crossing Puzzle

12 minutes
Father and Mother goes first: 2 minutes.
Father comes back: 2+1 = 3 minutes.
Both children go to mother: 3 + 5 = 8 minutes.
Mother comes back to Father: 8 + 2 = 10 minutes.
Mother and Father go: 10 + 2 = 12 minutes.

Thus, all of them reach the other sides in 12 minutes.

#23 - Algebraic Equation Puzzle

Place a mathematical symbol between the numerals 5 and 9 in such a way that the resulting number is greater than 5 but smaller than 9.

Algebraic Equation Puzzle

If we place a decimal between the numbers it will become 5.9 which is what we needed.

#24 - Easy Rebus Movie Puzzle

Identify the popular movie hidden in the rebus below

Easy Rebus Movie Puzzle

Kungfu Panda

#25 - WhatsApp Puzzle

WhatsApp users are known to create puzzles of their own. The attached picture shows you one of those puzzles. In this puzzle, emojis are used together that can be interpreted as animal's name. Can you identify them?

WhatsApp Puzzle

1) Monkey
2) Leopard
3) Horse
4) Cat
5) Mouse
6) Porcupine
7) Lion
8) Fox
9) Donkey
10) Sheep

#26 - Elementary Riddle

You enter your friend's room. He is not in his room. Although you see that on the bed are two dogs, five cats, two giraffes and three pigs. Also, a couple of chickens and ducks are flying in the room.

Calculate the number of legs standing on the floor.

Elementary Riddle


All the pets are on the floor and the chicken and ducks are flying. So there are only two legs on the floor that are your own.

#27 - Science Riddle For High School

There is a boat with a brick of gold and a brick of iron. Both the blocks are exactly 10 inch in size. If they are dropped into the surrounding water of river.

Which one of the blocks will make the water level higher?

Science Riddle For High School

The iron block will make the water level higher.

In actual terms, none of the block will make the water level higher. This is because, while in the boat, they have a larger effect on the water level and they are raising it. But, when they are dropped in the water, they will actually make the water level drop. But, the iron block will make the water level drop much less than the gold block because it is lighter and will have less effect on the water from the boat but will displace the same amount of water as the gold one when dropped into the water.

#28 - Easy Childrens Riddle

While going to your grandmother's house, you counted seventeen houses on the right side. While returning back to your home, you counted seventeen houses on the left side.

How many houses are there between your home and your grandmother's home?

Easy Childrens Riddle

They are the same houses. So there are seventeen houses in total.

#29 - Funny Short Murder Puzzle

So many people saw a man killing his wife. Despite of this, no one is able to accuse him of the murder and send him behind the bars.


Funny Short Murder Puzzle

This is because that man is a hangman and his wife has been apparently sentenced to death. So he had to kill her.

#30 - Logic Picture Riddle

Check the figure given with this question. You have a square. What you have to do is cut and reassemble the square such that you create a Red Cross sign that has the same volume as that of the square.

Logic Picture Riddle

The figure given is self-explanatory. But if you are unable to understand, here is what we did. We cut along the lines and remove the blue parts. Now rotate the paper a bit and place the cut parts like it is shown.