1. What is the largest planet in our solar system
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Jupiter
d) Mars

2. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"
a) Venus
b) Jupiter
c) Saturn
d) Mars

3. What is the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system
a) Neptune
b) Uranus
c) Saturn
d) Mars

4. Which planet has the most extensive ring system
a) Neptune
b) Saturn
c) Jupiter
d) Uranus

5. What is the smallest planet in our solar system
a) Neptune
b) Venus
c) Mercury
d) Earth

6. What is the hottest planet in our solar system
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Jupiter

7. Which planet has the Great Red Spot
a) Jupiter
b) Saturn
c) Neptune
d) Mars

8. Which planet has the largest moon in the solar system named "Ganymede"
a) Mars
b) Earth
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

9. What is the second planet from the Sun in our solar system
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Mercury

10. Which planet is known as the "Blue Planet"
a) Neptune
b) Earth
c) Uranus
d) Mars