#21 - Picture Sequence Puzzle

In the given figure, you can see that there are four circles numbered from 1 to 4. In the fourth circle, a digit is missing. Can you find out a relation and tell which number will suffice the pattern?

Picture Sequence Puzzle

The number will be 30.

1. (5 + 4) * 2 = 18
2. (12 + 8) * 3 = 60
3. (3 + 9) * 4 = 48
4. (4 + 2) * 5 = 30

#22 - Relationship Problem

Andy is father of B and Dexter is son of C. Eric is brother of A and E also has a daughter Fanny, if Cindy is sister of A then what is the relation between the Fanny, B and Dexter ?

Parent of B is Andy.
Parent of Fanny is Eric.
Parent of Dexter is Cindy.
Eric is Andy brother and Cindy is Andy sister.
Thus, Fanny, B and Dexter are cousins.

#23 - Missing Digit Puzzle

The center of the third figure is empty. What digit should fit inside?

Missing Digit Puzzle

The pattern that is being followed here is reversing the corner digits and adding them.
First Square:
13 + 32 + 11 + 34 = 90

Second Square:
21 + 19 + 27 + 16 = 83

Third Square:
33 + 33 + 22 + 26 = 125

Thus the missing number is 125

#24 - Count Chocolates Maths Problem

A and B have a certain number of chocolates with them. If B gives one chocolate to A, they will have equal number of chocolates. But if A gives one chocolate to B, then A will be left with half the number of chocolates that B has.

Can you find out the number of chocolates they have right now?

Let us say that A has P no. of chocolates and B has Q no. of chocolates right now.
Now according to the question:
P + 1 = Q - 1
=> Q - P = 2 ------ (i)

Also, P - 1 = (Q + 1) / 2
=> 2P - Q = 3 ------ (ii)

Equating (i) and (ii)
P = 5 and Q = 7

Therefore, A has 5 chocolates and B has 7 chocolates right now.

#25 - Find Which Movie

This cute little figure holds the name of a movie. Can you find out which movie is that ?

Find Which Movie

The movie name is - Identity Thief. The thief clipart on the top of the code was a giveaway.

#26 - Fill The Holes In Picture series

You can see some missing numbers in the figure. You have to fill them such that the sum of each side equals 36.

Fill The Holes In Picture series

Refer to the picture for solution.

#27 - Counting Apples Basket Problem

In a basket of apples,
when counted in twos, there was one extra
when counted in threes, there were two extra when counted in fours, there were three extra
when counted in fives, there were four extra
when counted in sixes, there were five extra.

However, if the apples were counted in sevens, no extra apple was left. Can you calculate the minimum number of apples that were present in the basket ?


Let the number of apples = X
X / 2 => Remainder = 1
X / 3 => Remainder = 2
X / 4 => Remainder = 3
X / 5 => Remainder = 4
X / 6 => Remainder = 5
X / 7 => Remainder = 0

Therefore, X is divisible by 7.

Whenever X is divided by any number less than 7, the remainder is 1 less than the divisor.
=> X + 1 is the LCM of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Now LCM of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 = 60
But 60 - 1 = 59 is not divisible by 7

60 * 2 = 120
120 - 1 = 119 which is divisible by 7

This means that X + 1 = 120 or X = 119

Number of minimum number of apples in the basket = 119

#28 - Relationship Statement Riddle

Each of these statements (which are true) refers to seven out of the eight living members of a family. You will find that the statement either refers to them by their personal name or through their relationship with another member. The statements are:
a) Jacob"s wife"s sister"s husband"s mother"s son is Patrick"s cousin"s father.
b) Sia"s grand-daughter"s cousin"s father"s sister-in-law is Gerry"s son-in-law"s wife.

Now if Annabelle has no children, what relationship does she share with Michael?

PS: There can be two solutions to this problem.

Solution 1:
Annabelle is Michael"s daughter. This is because Michael is Sia"s son. Also he is married to one of the Gerry"s daughters. Gerry"s other daughter is married to Jacob and Patrick is their son.

Solution 2:
Michael and Jacob are brothers. Sia is their mother. In this case, "Jacob"s wife"s sister"s husband"s mother"s son" refers to Jacob himself. Thus, Patrick is Michale"s son and Annabelle is Jacob"s daughter which means that Annabelle is Michael"s niece.