#21 - Equal Jars Water Riddle

You have 21 jars with you. Out of them, 7 are filled with water, 7 are half-full with water and 7 are empty. How will you distribute the jars among three people such that each one of them gets the equal number of jars and equal amount of water?

Give 3 full, 1 half-full and 3 empty bottles to the first person.
Give 3 full, 1 half-full and 3 empty bottles to the second person.
Give 1 full, 5 half-full and 1 empty bottle to the third person.

#22 - Simple Maths Age Problem

Peter"s adolescence lasted for 1/6 of his life. He grew facial hair after 1/12 more. He married Susanne after 1/7 more of his life. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter after 5 years. The daughter lived 1/2 of what Peter lived. Peter died four years after his daughter.

Can you find out how long did Peter live?


Suppose that Peter lived for x years.

According to the question:
x/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + x/2 + 4 = x
=> x = 84.

Thus, Peter lived for 84 years.

#23 - Guess Who Am I

All of you like to eat me. I am a five-lettered word. Remove the first two and I turn into an infamous animal. Remove just the first and I become a heinous crime. Remove the first and the last and you can groove on me.

Can you guess who am I?


#24 - Distance Math Problem

There is a straight highway. Four different villages lie on that highway. The distance between them is different. The third village is 60km away from the first village; the fourth is 40 km away from the second; the third is 10 km near to the fourth that it is to the second.

Can you calculate the distance between the fourth and the first village ?


First Village = A
Second Village = B
Third Village = C
Fourth Village = D

Distance between B and D = 40km
=> Distance between B and C + Distance between C and D = 40km
=> Distance between B and C + (Distance between B and C - 10) = 40 km
=> 2 * Distance between B and C = 50km
=> Distance between B and C = 25km

Therefore distance between C and D = 15km

Thus, distance between A and D = 60 + 15 = 75km

#25 - Missing Number Picture Puzzle

Can you find out the missing number in the picture attached?

Missing Number Picture Puzzle


The number on the extreme right is one-half of the product of the other two numbers.

36 = (18*4)/2
45 = (15*6)/2

Therefore, 44 = (8*x)/2
X = 11.

Thus, the missing number is 11.

#26 - Hourglasses Measure Puzzle

How will you measure 15 minutes using two hourglasses of 7 minutes and 11 minutes respectively?

Let the hourglass with 7 minutes timeframe be x and the hourglass with 11 minutes timeframe be y.
Turn x and y together.
After seven minutes, turn x.
After 11 minutes, turn x again.
Now it will take 4 minutes for x to stop.
At that moment, you would have calculated 15 minutes.

#27 - Who Killed Billy Puzzle

Billy "The Knife," the infamous tough guy, was found murdered one night in an alleyway behind the nightclub he used to frequently visit. The police brought in three suspects on the next morning. One of the officers interrogated the three men and noted down the following statements.

1. I did not kill Billy.
2. Jimmy is not my friend.
3. I knew Billy.

1. I did not kill Billy.
2. Alex and Dexter are friends of mine.
3. Alex did not kill Billy.

1. I did not kill Billy.
2. Alex lied when he said that Jimmy was not his friend.
3. I do not know who killed Billy.

Only one of the three is guilty, and only one of each man statements is false. Who killed Billy the Knife ?


It is not Alex because if it was, Alex 1 and Jimmy 3 would both be false, which would make Alex 2 and Jimmy 2 both true which is a contradiction.
It is not Dexter because if it was, Dexter 1 and Dexter 3 would both be false, which is not possible.
Therefore, it must be Jimmy.

#28 - Egg Trick Statement Riddle

A container contains hundred eggs. They can be either fresh or rotten. What is sure is the fact that there is at least one fresh egg in that container.

If you are asked to pick two eggs randomly from the container, at least one of them will be rotten.

Can you calculate how many eggs in that container are fresh?

Only one egg in that container is fresh.

The question tells us that at least one egg in that container is fresh. Then the question says when two eggs are picked at random, at least one egg will be rotten. This concludes that all the other 99 eggs are rotten or there would have been possibility of picking two fresh eggs as well.

#29 - Unscramble Word Picture Puzzle

You can find two rows in the given picture each with six letters. You have to unscramble the letters and make two words (one from first row and second from second row).After that, you have to unscramble the circled letter as well to find a meaningful word.Can you do it?

Unscramble Word Picture Puzzle

Unscrambled first row: AUGUSTUnscrambled second row: SCRIPTThe unscrambled circled letters: STRAPS or SPRATS.

#30 - Science Weigh Puzzle

You balance a broom horizontally on your finger such that your finger is present on the center of the gravity of the broom (precisely). You mark the spot and cut the broom into two halves. You are left with two pieces - one long piece with the handle and one short piece with bristles and a portion of handle.

If you weigh both the pieces now, what will happen?
a) The longer piece weighs more.
b) The shorter piece weighs more.
c) Both pieces weighs equal.

The shorter piece will weigh more.

This will happen because to hold the long piece, more torque is needed. You can see a live example if you make a fat kid sit on the opposite corner of the see-saw to a thin kid. The fat kid will have to sit closer in.