#21 - Stupid Soccer Riddle

Why did Buffon take the goal with him after every Juventus match?

Stupid Soccer Riddle

Because Buffon is goalkeeper(goal + keeper)

#22 - Bejan Daruwalla QuickFire Riddle

Bejan Daruwalla always sneezes before the rain. Daruwalla sneezes, Will it rain?

Not sure.

Daruwalla always sneezes before the rain, but it was not mentioned that if Daruwalla sneezes, it will rain.

#23 - Chemistry Weighing Riddle

Dmitri was working on a mixture whose weight comprise of 90% liquid and 10% solid. The total weight of the mixture is 20 pound. After a while, Dmitri noticed that some of the liquid evaporated and now the liquid comprise just 50% of the weight.

What is the weight of the mixture now?

4 Pounds

90% of liquid = 18 pounds
10% of solid = 2 pounds

Earlier 10% of solid is now contributing 50% weight = 2pounds
Therefore weight of liquid is also contributing 50% weight = 2pounds

Sum = 4pounds

#24 - Oscar Hollywood Movie Rebus

Can you identify the Oscar-winning movie from the rebus below?>br>

Oscar Hollywood Movie Rebus

Slumdog Millionare (Slum + Dog + Million + air)

#25 - Disgusting Riddle

Why is the longest human nose just 11 inches?

A twelve inches long nose will be called as a foot and not a nose.