#21 - Classic Logical Interview Puzzle

I have two rectangular wires.
Both of them have property that when i light the fire from one end , it will take 60 minutes to get completely burn.
However they do not burn at consistent speed (i.e it might be possible 1st 20% burn in 50 minutes and 80% can burn in 10 minutes).

So how could i measure 45 minutes ?

Classic Logical Interview Puzzle

A) burn 1st wire from both end and 2nd wire from one end
B) After 30 minutes(when 1st wire gets completely burned out) , burn the second wire from 2nd end as well
C) when 2nd run completely gets burned , you know its 45 minutes.

#22 - Logic Problem Puzzle

A donkey travels the exact same distance daily.
strangely 2 of his legs travels 40 kilometers and the remaining two travels 41 kilometers.
Obviously 2 donkey legs cannot be a 1km ahead of the other 2.

The donkey is perfectly normal. So how come this be true ?

Logic Problem Puzzle

The donkey is moving in circular path and hence outside legs travels more distance than inner legs

#23 - What Is Time Riddle

I noticed that on my big wall clock, there is a time when the minute and hour clock are exactly between one and two.
Also, I notice both hands lie on top of each other.

What is the time I am talking about?

What Is Time Riddle


both minute and hour clock lie exactly between the number one and two in the number.

#24 - Infogain Interview Aptitude Question

On a magical land of Narnia , all the animal in the land are rational.

There are 10 tigers and one goat.
Tiger can eat goat but since its a magical land , the tiger who eats the goat , turns into goat and then can be eaten by the remaining tiger(s).

If we leave them for some time then how many goat and tiger will be there , when we come back ?

Infogain Interview Aptitude Question

9 tiger and one goat

since all animal are rational , once 1st tiger eats the sheep all the rest of tiger would know about this.

#25 - Tricky Math Problem

1 dollar = 100 cent
= 10 cent x 10 cent
= 1/10 dollar x 1/10 dollar
= 1/100 dollar
= 1 cent

=> 1 dollar = 1 cent

solve this tricky problem ?

Tricky Math Problem

step 3 is wrong

#26 - Frog In The Well Riddle

A frog fell on a bottom of the well.
The well is 30 feet deep.

During day time, the frog jumps 5feet while at night when the frog sleeps he slip back 4feet.

In how many days frog will come out from the well ?

Frog In The Well Riddle


In 25days, he will jumo 25feet and den next five feet will make him out of the well

#27 - Trick Teaser Ias Interview Question

A Sweet girl purchased a book from a bookkeeper and give him Rs. 100.
The cost of the book is Rs.30 but the bookkeeper had got no change, so he gets the change from next shop and returns the girl her 70 Rupees.

After some time the next shopkeeper comes with the 100Rs note and told the bookkeeper that the note is fraud, so he takes money back.

How much loss did the bookkeeper face?

Trick Teaser Ias Interview Question


#28 - Tricky Logical Puzzle

I have one of the three numbers: 1, 2 or 3 in my mind. I speak only truth. You can ask me just one question for which I will only reply in yes or no or don't know. What question will you ask from me so that you are able to know the number?

Tricky Logical Puzzle

You will ask, I am thinking of a number from 2 and 3. Is the number I am thinking of smaller than or equal to the number you have in your mind?

Now, if I reply no, then the number is 1.
If I reply yes, then the number is 3.
If I reply don't know, then the number is 2.

#29 - UK Logical Picture Riddle

Can you identify the direction in which this bus is moving; left or right?

Hint: The bus is moving on the roads of UK.

UK Logical Picture Riddle

The bus is moving left because we cannot see the door of the bus in this picture.

#30 - Famous Barber Haircut Riddle

A tourist visits a small town for his research. While in the town, he decides to get a haircut. Since the town is quite small, there are only two barbers in the town – one on the North Street and one on the South Street. The barbershop on the North Street is a mess and the barber has a weird and pathetic haircut. While the barbershop at the South Street is pretty tidy and the barber as well has an impressive haircut.

Which barbershop will the tourist visit for his haircut and why?

Famous Barber Haircut Riddle

The tourist will get his haircut from the barbershop at the North Street.

Since there are only two barbers in the town, it is obvious that the haircut of the barber at the north street would have been done by the one in the south street and vice versa. Thus, a weird haircut means that the one in the south street don't know the art of hair cutting well. Also, since the one in South Street is tidy, it can be possible that he is getting no customer.