#31 - Funny Riddle Joke

The Little ant always confused.Do you know why ?

Funny Riddle Joke

because all his uncles are aunts

#32 - Tricky Maths Question

What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times?

Tricky Maths Question

202 , 202 , 202 , 202

#33 - Complicated Riddle

If two's company, and three's a crowd, then whats four and five ?

Complicated Riddle


#34 - Trick Teaser Problem

Twins(Adarsh and Anupam) were born in May but their birthday is in June.hows this possible ?

Trick Teaser Problem

May is a town

#35 - Tricky Funny Riddle

Manish is the son of Harish.
Harish is the_____of Manish's father ?

Tricky Funny Riddle


#36 - Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. Where does Easter come before Valentine's Day?

2. Do you know what is in the middle of Valentine?

3. What did the lady bee say to the man bee on the occasion of Valentine Day

Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. off-course in the dictionary
2. Its the letter 'N'
3. I love being(bee-ing) with you

#37 - Too Funny Riddle

Which city is three fifth chick two third cat and 50% goat ?


#38 - Cow 13 Letters Riddle

I can write cow in 13 letters.

Can You ?

Cow 13 Letters Riddle

See o double you

#39 - Funniest Picture Riddle

You are a thief and you are being punished for your crime. The people of village have tied you head down on a tree with a rope that has been anchored in the ground. A candle is burning below the rope which is slowly burning it away. Just below your head, a Lion has been left loose who is waiting for you to drop down on the ground so he can have you as his lunch.

You have to survive the scenario. How will you do it?

Funniest Picture Riddle

Just sing the Happy Birthday song and the Lion will blow the candle in celebration

#40 - Witty Clever Riddle

A charming young lady was approached by a kind looking old woman in a restaurant. The old woman said to her, 'You look exactly like my younger daughter. Sadly she passed away a couple of months back. Could you do me a favor and say 'Goodbye, mother' with a kind smile on your face when I leave?

The young lady agreed for the same and said, 'Goodbye, mother' when the old woman left. Soon after, she got the most disengaging shock of her life.

Can you guess what the shock was?

Witty Clever Riddle

The young lady was then approached by the waiter and presented by the bill. The old woman has assured the waiter that her daughter will pay for her meal.