#1 - Find the three mistakes in the picture

Can you spot three mistakes in the picture below?

Find the three mistakes in the picture

1. No Red light in the traffic signal.
2. Rails missing on a tire.
3. December 32 does not exist.

#2 - 5 Mistakes

There are are five things wrong with this sentence; only geniuses will be able to to spot all of the mitstakes

5 Mistakes

1. The word "are" is repeated twice.
2. The word "to" is repeated twice.
3. The word mitstakes is misspelled. Its should be mistakes
4. The sentence is missing a punctuation mark and should end with a period/full stop not with semicolon.
5. Since there are only 4 mistakes, therefore, the statement of having five mistakes in the sentence is wrong which is the 5th mistake.
Another theory is that the sentence should end with a period.

#3 - Can you find the mistake in the image below

Spot the mistake in the below picture?

Can you find the mistake in the image below


Most of us must have assumed the answer to be a ring in the wrong finger but that's not the case as it's a normal ring. The error is in the watch. Wristwatches are manufactured with the adjustment pin always on the right side.

#4 - Spot the mistake in the picture

Try to find the mistake in the picture?

Spot the mistake in the  picture

No hole for the key.

#5 - What's wrong with picture

Can you spot the mistake in the picture?

What's wrong with picture

No human footprints.

#6 - Can you spot the mistake in the picture riddle

Look at the below picture very carefully. What is so unusual about the picture?

Can you spot the mistake in the picture riddle

The title of the book is upside down as the bookmarker is always on top.

#7 - Find Three Errors In The Picture

Could you spot the three mistakes in the below picture?

Find Three Errors In The Picture

1. The time has been reversed.
2. The month of June has 31 days on the calendar.
3. The lady has one leg in slippers and the other in shoes.