#31 - Join Star Puzzle

In the figure, you can see nine stars. What you have to do is connect all of them by using just four line and without lifting your hand i.e. in a continuous flow. Can you find a method to achieve it?

Join Star Puzzle

To do this, you needed to think out of the box. If you see the answer figure, you will understand what we are talking about.

#32 - Tic Tac Toe Puzzle

You all must have played Tic Tac Toe in your childhood. Lets put your skills to test. Can you place six X (crosses) in a Tic Tac Toe board without making three in a row in any way ?

Tic Tac Toe Puzzle

Place the crosses at1,11,22,12,33,23,3Now, you have six crosses without making three in a row.

#33 - Popular Find Error In Sentence Puzzle

They are three errirs in this question. Can you find them ?

Following are the three errors:
a) They (it should be There)
b) errirs (it should be spelled errors)
c) The question asks for three errors however there are only two.

#34 - Tricky Time Question

Edward asked Bella, "The time right now is 7 pm. Can you tell me what will be the time 23, 999, 995 hours later ?"

While Bella does not know the answer, do you ?

The time after 24, 000, 000 hours later will be the same i.e. 7 pm. Five hours before that, the time will be 5 hours before 7 pm i.e. 2 pm.

#35 - Think Out Of The Box Riddle

Can you find out what is missing?

1 3 5
2 4 ?

Hint: Its not six. Think out of the box.

If you were not able to answer it, you must pay attention to the gear stick when you drive next time.

"R" is what is missing from here, which stands for reverse.

#36 - Trick Probability Puzzle

What is the probability that you meet someone in your lifetime who is having an above average number of arms?

1) Impossible
2) Unlikely
3) Fifty Fifty
4) Fairly Likely
5) Certain

The probability is certain because the average is <2 arms.

#37 - Number Of Seconds In A Year

Can you count number of seconds in a year ?

Clue: You need to bother about calculation.


Clarification :
Each month contains two second
* second December
* twenty-second December

In this manner 2 * 12 months = 24

-->> Numerical Answer <<--
Mathematical Answer = number of seconds in a minute * number of minute in an hour * number hour in a day * number of day in year
60 * 60 * 24 * 365 = 31536000
60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 = 31557600 (leap year is considered here)

#38 - Famous Counting Legs Riddle

I am standing in California palace. The palace has five soldiers. Every soldier has five rooms. Each room has five big tigers and each tiger have five small tigers. Each tiger has four legs.

How many are there in total?


25(number of rooms) * 5(big tiger) * 5(1-big tiger + 5small tiger) * 4(no. of legs)
5(no. of soldiers) * 2(no. of legs)
2 (Your leg)

25*5*6*4 + 5*2 + 2

#39 - Missing Rs1 Puzzle

I have Rs.50 and i spend in the way below.

Missing Rs1 Puzzle

Adding commutative balance does not make any sense.
Check my next example, where is spend Rs 50 in way below

Spent Balance
10 40
10 30
10 20
10 10
10 0
50 100

So in the puzzle, the number was chosen to confuse readers.

#40 - Spot the Safest Person Puzzle

Can you spot the safest person in the picture below?

Spot the Safest Person Puzzle

Of-course, The person driving the car is the safest person.