#21 - What Am I - Deaf Dumb Blind

I am deaf dumb and blind but always tell the truth.
What Am I?

What Am I - Deaf Dumb Blind

A Mirror

#22 - Center Ocean

In an ocean, there is an island.
On the island, there is a house.
In the center of the house, there is a glass of water,
Inside the glass of water, there is a coin.

The question is What in the middle of the ocean?

Center Ocean

Letter 'E'

#23 - God Planet Heat Riddle

I am a god
a planet
and measurer of heat

God Planet Heat Riddle


#24 - Nobody Walked

Nobody has ever walked this way.
What way was this?

Nobody Walked

The Milky Way

#25 - Who Am I Closed Open Taken Apart Riddle

When closed it's a square.
When open it's round.
When taken apart, it's a triangle.

Who Am I?

Who Am I  Closed Open Taken Apart Riddle

A Pizza.

Closed in a square box.
Mostly it's round.
Cut in a triangle shape.

#26 - Who Am I Throw-up Riddle

I got the body and has a mouth.
But no arms and no legs.
I never eat anything, yet I throw up everything.

Who Am I Throw-up Riddle

A volcano

#27 - The Curious Alphabet Riddle

Which alphabet is most curious?

The Curious Alphabet Riddle

Y (Why)

#28 - Five Letter Word Brain Teaser

Which five letter word can be added at the end of below word to form a
valid word?

> Pin
> Check
> Boiling
> View

Five Letter Word Brain Teaser


> Pin Point
> Check Point
> Boiling Point
> View Point

#29 - Short What is it Riddle

It goes through a door but never comes in or goes out. What is it?

A keyhole
It goes right through the door but is stuck to the door i.e never comes in or goes out.

#30 - English Verb Riddle

Can you name any English verb that becomes its past tense by simply rearranging the alphabets ?

"Eat" Become "Ate".