#21 - Here A ODI cricket riddle

here's a cricket riddle for all of cricket lovers

I have played 50 ODI's and my average is 50.
How many runs should i score in my 51st ODI, so that my average score jumps to 51 ?

Here A ODI cricket riddle


(50 * 50 + x)/51 = 51
=>2500 + x = 51 * 51
=> x = 2601 - 2500
=> x = 101 (Answer)

#22 - Rebus Puzzle Example

Below puzzle is a popular example for rebus puzzles.

Can you tell us what i am thinking by solving the below rebus ?

Rebus Puzzle Example

Feeling on top of the World

#23 - Replace the question mark with the corre

Replace the question mark with the correct number.

2 + 2= 4
3 + 3= 18
4 + 4= ?

6 + 6= 180


2 + 2= 4 (2*2*1)
3 + 3= 18 (3*3*2)
4 + 4= 48 (4*4*3)
6 + 6= 180 (6*6*5)

#24 - Short Logic Riddle

All of the flowers I have are orchids except two. All of the flowers I have are hibiscuses except two. All of the flowers I have are roses except two.

Can you tell me how many flowers I have ?

Short Logic Riddle

I have two flowers neither of which are orchids, hibiscuses or roses.

#25 - Matchstick Puzzle

As you can see in the picture, 20 matchsticks have been used to form five squares. What you have to do is move two of the matchsticks in a manner that seven squares are formed.Please note that you cannot overlap the matches or break them. The squares can be on any size but they must be closed squares.

Matchstick Puzzle

As you can see in the picture, we have just moved two of the matchsticks and now we have seven squares of 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 sizes.

#26 - Scientific Riddle

Here is what you have to do. You have to throw a ball as hard as you can but it must return back to you even if it does not bounce at anything. Also, you have nothing attached to the ball. There is no one on the other end to catch that ball and throw it back at you.

How will you do it ?

Scientific Riddle

To achieve this, you must throw that ball as hard as you can in the air and gravity will bring it back to you.

#27 - Famous Dollar Riddle

What is the largest amount of money that you can possess in change and still if someone asks you for a dollar, you won't be able to give?

You can have $1.19 in the form of Three quarters, four dimes and four pennies. This way, you have more than a dollar but you can't give exactly a dollar to anyone.

#28 - Great Pi Picture Cut Puzzle

There is a Pi picture attached here. We have given dotted lines over the places where you have to cut it. Now you will have five different pieces. Can you join these pieces in a manner that it becomes a square?

Great Pi Picture Cut Puzzle

Here is one of the way to do it. Can you find any other way?

#29 - Who Am I For Kids

There is no place I dont travel throughout the world but I always keep myself in a corner. Do you know who I am?

Who Am I For Kids

I am Stamp.

#30 - Can You Find The Letter


These are the letters given to you. Now you have to find out the letter that comes two to the right of the letter which is immediately to the left of the letter that comes three to the right of the letter that comes midway between the letter two to the left of the letter C and the letter immediately to the right of the letter F.

Can you find it?

H is the answer.

In such questions, we usually start from the backwards. So start with the letter F and look at the right of it. It is the letter G. Now seek the letter two left to C i.e. A. Find the mid letter which will be D. Now go three right and stop at G. Go one left and you will have F. Finally go right twice and you will have the letter H.